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Mary Azur

Online Fraud Detection: Protected Media Launches Mobile Ad-Fraud Solution

Protected Media, a global provider of digital advertising solutions that increase media quality, announced today the availability of a multi-layered solution to effectively boost the value of mobile advertising. Protected Media is providing a multi-layered anti-fraud solution that detects a new strain of viruses that fake viewability, combined with a solution that verifies that ads are fully rendered and within viewing range on screens of mobile devices. Together, these two solutions provide double protection to protect advertising budgets and maximize the value of mobile advertising.


"Viewability is becoming a currency for online advertising, but at the same time bots are becoming more sophisticated and are undermining the validity of these measurements," said Asaf Greiner, CEO of Protected Media. "By detecting false viewability data that indicate that bots are at work, and then confirming that legitimate ads can be seen, we are providing a powerful combination that help bring back faith, trust and value to mobile advertising."


Inability to accurately verify the viewability of mobile ads is a growing concern for digital advertisers since mobile advertising is taking up larger portion of their budgets. According to eMarketer, mobile ad spending will grow 45% this year to reach $45.95 billion, and by 2019, mobile will represent more than a third of total media ad spending in the US. At the same time, mobile ads provide additional challenges due to the different types of mobile operating systems and devices and the fact that it can take longer to render ads based on connectivity.


Protected Media's anti-fraud solution utilizes technology and sophisticated methods from cybercrime investigations to uncover bots that fake viewability. Then, by providing information at the granular level about the exact position of mobile ads, Protected Media is able to confirm that legitimate ads are visible on mobile screens. In-depth reporting provides a detailed actionable data that can pinpoint exact sources of problematic traffic enabling agencies and publishers to identify all ads that aren’t visible, including those that are fraudulent and impersonate viewability to maximize mobile advertising effectiveness.


About Protected Media


Protected Media's solutions enable buyers and sellers of digital advertising to ensure that display mobile and video ads are properly located, visible, and seen by real people. Protected Media's technology provides in-depth information at the impression level to detect problematic traffic so agencies can work side by side with publishers to identify and eliminate suspicious activity to dramatically increase over-all ad quality. For more information, visit Protected Media online.

Bacall Investment Tips: What Is Missing From 2016 Investment Advice? Optimism And 'Cool' Stocks

Lots of advice, but it is focused on lackluster/tepid expectations. It seems 2015’s negative surprises and poor performance set the tone for 2016’s outlooks. Even articles that include “bull market” in their titles restate what went wrong and end up asking the question of whether stocks can rise again. The only certainties offered are that the U.S. stock market will be volatile and that it will not generate a double-digit return in 2016. A good example is the AP article, “Expect less and buy antacid: 2016 investment forecasts.”


Investing is becoming more of a grind. Expect it to stay that way.


Analysts, mutual-fund managers and other forecasters are telling investors to expect lower returns from stocks and bonds in 2016 than in past years. They’re also predicting more severe swings in prices. Remember that 10 percent drop for stocks that freaked investors out in August? It likely won’t take another four years for the next one.



That brings us to what is missing from most advice: Optimism and “cool” stocks. When attitudes and advice center in one area, taking a contrarian stance by focusing on overlooked or dismissed areas can often reward investors with lower risk and/or higher returns.


Disclosure: Author is fully invested in U.S. stocks and actively managed U.S. stock funds. Holdings include the five stocks mentioned below.


Contrarian investing using optimism


Contrarian investing is often linked to troubled, deeply discounted stocks. However, “contrarian” simply means going against a popular trend. Thus, selling a popular investment or buying stocks that others are ignoring are also examples of contrarian investing.


So, what is so special about adopting an optimistic attitude? Because it means having confidence in the future, and that shifts the investing strategy to future growth. Are the uncertainties and reversals revealed last year still at work? Of course. However, everybody knows about them, so today’s stock prices fully reflect that information. What is not yet included in the pricing is the expectation that today’s problems will be corrected by tomorrow’s actions. Instead, the 2016 advice says or implies that, because the solutions are not currently visible, we should not count on them occurring. This “wait until the dust settles” procrastination is the surest way of missing out on the largest, safest returns from stock investing. When the good news is obvious, prices are already up.


And now to that “cool” portfolio


If we are going to be optimistic, then we can focus on the companies that delight. These are the companies that have something special, unique and desirable to offer. Happily, they are obvious, so it is just a matter of having the confidence that their futures can be bright. To succeed, investors can focus on what they know and like, or they can use advisers or actively managed funds to perform the selection. (Personally, I prefer a combination of my own choices and funds managed by organizations in which I have confidence.)


Below are my five favorite “cool” companies. Their shared characteristics are leading developers of top end products and services that can support high pricing and profitability. In addition, the companies are well structured and managed to succeed in evolving growth areas.


  1. Apple AAPL -6.22%
  2. Goldman Sachs Group GS +0.65%
  3. Starbucks SBUX -1.40%
  4. Time Warner TWX -0.14%
  5. Walt Disney DIS +0.37%


The bottom line


The current market environment has investors and advisers focusing on risk, uncertainties and low expectations. It is this caution that gives us the right and incentive to be optimistic and confident, buying leading companies for the brighter days ahead.

Wood Group: Our Business


Wood Group comprises three businesses: Wood Group PSN, Wood Group Kenny and Wood Group Mustang.


Wood Group is a leading independent services provider for the oil & gas and power generation markets. Worldwide these services include engineering, procurement and construction management, facility operations & maintenance, and repair & overhaul of turbines and other high-speed rotating equipment.


Our global reputation has been built upon decades of successfully managing even the most complex engagements for our clients, offering a broad range of integrated services across the asset lifecycle. Today, as always, we are focused on safely delivering innovative, fit-for-purpose solutions to our diverse base of customers.

Hurst Boiler and Welding Company, Inc. Environmental Commitment


Green Boiler Technology at Hurst Boiler


Our long-standing environmental commitment is what brings us closer to the world around us. With an ever-increasing focus on global warming, conservation and sustainability, it is more essential than ever that we all do our part to keep our water clear and our sky blue. That's why Hurst is blue and green.


The mission at Hurst Boiler & Welding Company includes a commitment to enhance the quality of life in all areas we serve. Consistent with this mission, the company vows to improve the compatibility of its operations with the environment.


This commitment represents what Hurst does to make our products as good for the environment as they are for the places we live and work. Being green is always part of Hurst blue - and we put a touch of it in every boiler and system we make.


In addition, through our products and technologies, Hurst aspires to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life not only for ourselves, but for our customers and their businesses as well.


Utilizing HURST Biomass Boiler Systems can reduce, or even eliminate energy and disposal costs altogether, through the combustion of renewable fuel sources, also known as Biomass. Energy solutions based on biomass and bio-fuels provide clean and renewable energy for large national and international companies. Green-thinking companies are now using biofuels to mitigate the impact their activities have on the environment by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. This can also generate earnings by saving money on energy costs, and by the sale of carbon credits.


As the overall market sets on the path of environmental sustainability and energy costs continue to increase, industry leaders are striving to find economically viable solutions.


The implementation of energy efficient and sustainable technology will be necessary to maintain a competitive advantage.


At Hurst Boiler, we are committed not only to our own environmental sustainability, but to providing successful strategies and technology which can reduce the operational costs of current facilities and provide an ROI from installation in new construction, for all our customers.


As principles to guide its actions, the company:

- Includes environmental factors as an integral part of its planning and operating decisions.

- Recognizes the contribution every employee can make to improve the company's environmental performance and encourages employees to become environmental stewards.

- Communicates and reinforces environmental values throughout the company.

- Practices responsible environmental stewardship of all company-owned properties and natural resources entrusted to its management.

- Minimizes adverse environmental impacts of operations by: meeting or surpassing environmental standards, investing in energy efficiency measures, and supporting company recycling and waste reduction programs.

- Supports research and implements new technologies for emissions control, energy efficiency, renewable energy resources, and other environmental and health concerns associated with our own, and our customers utility operations.

- Accepts accountability for its operations by responding to environmental incidents quickly and effectively and promptly informing the appropriate parties.

- Provides public participation opportunities and welcomes communication from stakeholders on environmental issues; and continues to foster constructive working relationships with environmental organizations, community leaders, media and government agencies.

- Participates with government and others in creating responsible laws and regulations to safeguard the environment, community and workplace.

- Commits employee and management resources to support and implement these principles.


Taking an Active Role

Hurst encourages environmental stewardship through our support of the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED program. Our products may offer LEED® credits in the Green Building Rating System for New Construction and Major Renovation.


"LEED" is a registered trademark of the U.S. Green Building Council.


Preserving Nature

To protect our natural resources, Hurst uses wood harvested from managed forests and leverages engineered wood technology whenever possible.


Reducing Waste

Hurst recycles whenever possible - office paper, sawdust, scrap metal, paints and solvents. Our electrostatic paint system attracts the paint, creating much less waste. And we keep packaging to a minimum to reduce construction debris.


Using Recycled Materials

Hurst supports aggressive programs to both recycle material and use recycled materials in order to cuts tons of landfill waste each year.



Industrial Boiler And Mechanical Boiler Rentals And Sales: Vertical Skid Mounted Firetube Rental Boilers




Vertical rental boilers are popular for steam users needing smaller requirements of steam and do not have much space available. This type unit is used very often by customers who need a small amount of steam to keep storage tanks warm during outages when their steam source is not available. These units can be fired on natural gas, propane and some can fire number 2 fuel oil. We offer up to 60 HP and 150 psi steam design pressure in this style of boiler. Skid mounted vertical boilers include the feed water system, pumps, a blow down separator and stack.








Contact our Rental Boiler division today at (855) 753-BOILER for more information on vertical skid mounted firetube rental boilers.



More Articles from : industrialboiler.com






Industrial Boiler and Mechanical Boiler Rentals and Sales, VERTICAL SKID MOUNTED FIRETUBE RENTAL BOILERS

Lisa Shearin Marketing Group Skrive en serie karakter i fantasy

Så, du har fået en idé i hovedet for en fantasy roman, og hvad du er kommet til at genkende som din writer's intuition – den lille "Hey! Hold kæft og lyt!"voice på bagsiden af dit sind-fortæller dig, at du har mere end én bog ulmende derinde. Ikke flipper ud; Dette er en god ting, især med fantasi. Mens læsere nyder standalone bøger, får de positivt svimmel over tanken om en serie. Jeg mener, hvem kan ikke lide at finde en serie med tegn, der synes virkelige, og hver bog føles som et besøg hos gamle venner. En bog med en historie, der holder dig sent om natten, groggy næste dag, og har du snige titter af hvor du slap under dit skrivebord på arbejdet eller i skolen.


Men, hvis du tror at du har fået mere end én bog brygning, der er et par spørgsmål, du skal spørge dig selv, og ting, du skal tænke, før du dykke ned.


Er din hovedperson bedre egnet til en serie versus en standalone roman? Raine Benares, hovedperson i min ganske vist quirky, action-eventyr fantasy-serien, har familie, venner, professionelle medarbejdere, fjender, folk fra hendes fortid som fremførsel til hendes nuværende og – vigtigst for en serie karakter — ind i hendes fremtid. Med Raine er der historier i historierne. Hvis du har den forstand, at din hovedperson har meget mere at fortælle dig, end han eller hun er afslørende lige nu, kunne du have jer makings af en serie karakter.


I hver bog i min Raine Benares serie, den største konflikt fra den særlige bog er løst i slutningen, men andre mindre konflikter der dukkede op i løbet af denne bog — og historie bue og relationer mellem Raine og de mennesker, hun kender og møder — fortsætte med at ændre sig og vokse.


Hvilken slags historie føler du dig nødsaget til at fortælle? Er det en "et problem/mystery pr. bog" sammen med overordnede karakterudvikling? Hvilket betyder, at mens historiens vigtigste konflikten er løst, hovedperson og andre tegn mere at fortælle. Eller er kernen i din historie i første omgang et lille problem, og efterhånden som bogen skrider frem, er afsløret for at være men spidsen af en meget stor og farlig isbjerget? Dette ville være en historie hvor jo mere, der er afsløret øger din hovedperson inddragelse, indfiltringsnet ham eller hende i en situation langt ud over hvad de har nogensinde behandlet før. Begge scenarier er perfekt levedygtige kandidater til en række bøger.


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Lisa Shearin Group Series: Du kan ikke lave en tom side

Jeg læste en artikel engang hvor Nora Roberts blev citeret for at sige: "Du kan ikke lave en tom side."


Amen, søster.


For mig er mit ideal skriftligt mål fem sider om dagen. Med kapitler i cirka 15 sider er der tre dage hvert kapitel, højre? Uh, ikke normalt. Fem sider om dagen er når jeg virkelig cranking ud ord, inspiration flydende, min muse er i stuen (og kooperativ). Tre sider er de mindste acceptable sider pr. dag for mig. Men hvad med de tider, når ordene ikke er flydende, når jeg ved virkelig ikke, hvad der sker næste?


Jeg skriver noget, fordi "La Nora" ord du ikke kan løse en tom side.


Jeg har for nylig færdig med at skrive min sjette bog, og jeg har endelig indset, at det er nemmere for mig at stå over for en tom side papir end en blinkende markør i en tom Word-dokument. Jeg plejede at synes, det var fordi en tom computer side var simpelthen mere skræmmende end en tom journal side. Det kan være sandt, men ordene synes bare at flyde lettere fra min hjerne til en fyldepen til en tom side. Der er mere af en visceral forbindelse. Som et resultat, jeg nu spare mig en masse tom-side angst og skrive det første udkast af hvert kapitel i almindelig skrift i hånden. Jeg giver mig selv lov til at skrive noget, noget.


Jeg udforske min plot og karakterer på siden for at tale med mig på siden og træne ideer, og selv at skrive hvad jeg ved er lort, at jeg vil kaste i den bogstavelige eller elektroniske trash kan senere. Fordi jeg ikke kan lave noget, der ikke er der. For dem af jer, der (som mig) skovlet kogødning i snavs af familien haven, når du var børn-du ved, at det tager en masse lort at vokse en god have.


Ingen får det rigtige første gang; og pokkers, undertiden ikke engang den anden eller tredje gang. For mig er første udkast om bare at få historien. Det andet udkast er for at bringe den til live. Detaljerne, nuancer, grave dybt for sub-plots og motiver, der ikke (og kunne ikke) give sig til kende for mig indtil jeg havde hele historien ned.


Medmindre du er velsignet, heldig eller utroligt dygtige, er din første udkast gonna være kalder vi sydstatsfolk "røv grimme." Mine er, og jeg har accepteret at. Der er kamp at få, hvad der er i mit hoved på papir og derefter til skærmen. Men først og fremmest mit problem er at jeg stadig arbejder ud tarme af historien, mens jeg skriver det. Jeg kender i begyndelsen, nogle scener, der er spredt i hele bogen, og jeg ved afslutningen. Tricket er at komme op med de elementer, der knytter alle disse sammen-at skabe historien.


Skrivning, vævning en historie, at skabe en verden, der aldrig har eksisteret før, er sjov — i det mindste bør være. Så giv dig selv tilladelse til at spille.


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Lisa Shearin Marketing Group: The Raine Benares Novels



Alle stave bryder løs

(Raine Benares #6)


Mit navn er Raine Benares — og det stinker for at være mig lige nu. Jeg er en søgende, der formåede at "finde" Saghred, soul-stjæle sten der gav mig ubegrænset magt jeg aldrig bedt om eller ønsket. Nu jeg har formået at tabe rock — og magiske gav mig — til en magtbegærlige goblin mørke troldmand hvis hovedmålsætninger er min død og verden dominans. Jeg er stadig bundet til Saghred, og den mørke troldmand kan ikke bruge stenen, så længe jeg er i live. Hvis han dræber mig og får kontrol over Saghred, vil han blive en onde halvgud med de syv kongeriger på sin nåde. Dette er mere end tilstrækkeligt incitament til at planlægge en lille tur til goblin hovedstad Regor med en lille flok gode venner, ikke-så-gode venner, og en decideret fjende. Spørg. Alt hvad vi behøver at gøre er ødelægge Saghred, dræbe mage og sætte en frafalden goblin prins på tronen. Har jeg nævne jeg vil gøre det med ingen magi? - Fortsæt læsning


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Lisa Shearin

Lisa Shearin Group Series Greyhound Adoption



For those of you who have been fans for a while, you know that my husband Derek and I adopt retired racing greyhounds. We love greyhounds. We can’t imagine our lives without greyhounds.


With the downturn in the economy, racetracks are cutting back races, and some tracks are closing altogether. That was how we got our sweet boy Andy; the track he was at in Melbourne, Florida, was closing and the racers were being put up for adoption. If you are looking to bring a dog into your life, please consider a greyhound. Contrary to popular belief, they don’t require a lot of exercise. They’re trained as sprinters, not runners. In fact, greyhounds are called “45-mph Couch Potatoes.” There’s nothing they love more than a good snuggle.


Adopt a Greyhound.org is a great site for pretty much any question you could possibly have, and for anything you could want to know about adopting retired racing greyhounds. Plus they have a page where you can find a greyhound adoption group anywhere in the world. Wherever you are, there’s probably a greyhound adoption group nearby.


If you’re interested in greyhound adoption, contact a group near you. Most have Meet & Greets where you can meet and pet the hounds (just be prepared to fall in love). And when you’ve decided that you home just isn’t complete without the pitter-patter of retired racer paws, contact one of your local greyhound kennels to arrange a visit. – read more here



Lisa Shearin Social Group Press Kit

Lisa Shearin



Contrary to popular belief, most authors do have day jobs just like everyone else. Lisa’s happily freelancing for an advertising agency as an editor and proofreader. In her previous corporate life, she’s been a magazine editor, advertising copywriter, and writer of corporate marketing materials of every description.


Lisa is the national bestselling author of The Raine Benares novels, a series of six comedic fantasy adventures. Her next series—The SPI Files—is an urban fantasy that’s been described as Stephanie Plum meets Men in Black. It will debut on December 31, 2013.


Lisa is a voracious collector of fountain pens both vintage and modern. She lives in North Carolina with her husband, two spoiled-rotten retired racing greyhounds, and a Jack Russell Terrier who rules them all. - Continue reading

Source: http://www.lisashearin.com/press-kit

PA Consulting Group: Business Challenges

Business design


Advances in technology, and changes in what customers want and value, are constant. So your business needs to evolve constantly too.


Strong, creative business design sets up a framework within which effective change can take place. It provides a clear vision for what your business needs to achieve and shows how to organise your people, processes and technology to get there.


For this to happen, your business and IT must work in harmony. We bring together experts with the practical experience to think differently and find the right approach for you.


Digital business


Digital has changed business forever. Organisations that have embraced digital are leading their industry and influencing others – those that haven’t are falling behind. But having an effective digital strategy is about more than just having a website. It’s about mindset. It’s about disruption and starting again.


To embrace digital, you need to reimagine your entire business – your products, services and the way you communicate with customers. You need to reconfigure how the organisation works and look again at your governance, skills and approach.


We bring together digital experts with the skills and experience to help you rebuild from top to bottom, creating a digital culture for exceptional long-term success.


Social intelligence


Social media is reshaping our world. Every hour, 1.5 billion pieces of content are created. In under a minute, each one can be shared worldwide. For businesses, this  presents an array of new opportunities and threats. We use social intelligence to help you respond.  


Our expert teams analyse vast data sets to create extraordinarily accurate insight for your business. We tell you what your customers are thinking, what your competitors are planning and whether online criminals have got you in their sights. 


Talent management


Attracting and retaining the best people will give you commercial advantage and the talent you need for future success.


To achieve this, you need effective talent management to unlock the potential of those who can take on the most challenging roles. This is not just for potential leaders, but for all individuals with valuable expertise.


There are many ways to manage talent – from identifying and coaching brilliant people to deploying them correctly and keeping them engaged – but these approaches must work together in harmony. Our experts work closely with you, challenging convention where necessary, to develop the right solution for exceptional, long-lasting results. 


The future of healthcare


Far-reaching reforms are fundamentally changing the relationships between key players in the world of healthcare. We are seeing an 'industrial revolution' of healthcare, driven by technology. One of the most influential drivers of this revolution lies in the use of information to improve standardisation and create more personalised care. This will increase access, drive up quality and reduce the overall cost of care.


We are working closely with organisations in all areas of healthcare. We are developing and delivering ground-breaking technology, preparing life sciences businesses for the future of their industry and supporting the public sector in the delivery of care. Our teams of experts draw on practical experience to challenge convention and create exceptional, lasting results.


Thinking regulation


Demands for greater transparency, regulatory enforcement and consumer protection have created new challenges for regulators and regulated industries.


Handled correctly, these challenges become exceptional opportunities.


Whether you are a regulator, regulated company or policymaker, we will help you regain control and realise lasting value through regulatory change.

Clinical Coding Westhill Consulting: About Us

Approachable, curious and insightful – and delivery orientated​


We combine the advantages of being young, dynamic and independent with the industry reach and credibility of a leadership team who have run the health teams of big corporates.


Founded in December 2012, Monmouth has already grown rapidly – both in clients and capability.  Our leadership team blends industry knowledge with entrepreneurial flair, including:


- Growing Westhill Consulting from start-up to leading assurance, clinical coding and data standards provider, prior to its sale to Tribal in 2008


- Leadership of Tribal and Capita’s commissioning and assurance businesses, including delivery of the largest NHS commissioning support (FESC) programme


- Leading the Patient Information Forum from formation to thought leader in personalised patient information


- Leadership of the NHS’s national data standards and clinical classification services


- Commercial and Finance Director of the UK largest private hospital provider group.


Our leadership team is backed up by a rapidly growing team of experienced permanent and associate delivery staff, comprising clinicians, analysts, consultants and project/programme managers.


The Director team is advised by an expanding Independent Advisory Board, membership of which includes senior clinical, academic, informatics and pharmaceutical industry expertise.

Clinical Coding Manager at Westhill Consulting

Source: http://www.monmouthpartners.com/about-us